Golden Gate Bridge Bike Tour

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Our route


  • Fri, Jan 18, 2018 at 1:30 PM ~ 7:30 PM

Bike tour From Fisherman’s Wharf to Sausalito

This is the thing that you must do in SF. Weather, wind, view, and Golden gate bridge was just perfect. It’s the one you can experience only in Sausalito. The night view of San Francisco from Sausalito was also beautiful. I strongly recommend this!


  • Restaurant : Napa Valley Burger Company
  • Bike rental fee : $32 (Online Reservations Receive 20% Off => $25 )
  • Refer this link to book bike
  • Ferry ticket : $12
  • From Sausalito to Sanfrancisco, you should buy a ticket first, and line up about an hour before you can get on. Waiting line is really long, if you don’t you couldn’t ride a ferry.


Seungwoo Jeong
While riding a bicycle and listening to music, my thoughts are organized. I will never forget the moment when I cross the Golden Gate Bridge while looking at the Pacific Ocean. It can not be explained. Best Experience in SF.
Minjun Cha
It was the best experience I have had in the United States. It took longer than I thought to ride a bicycle. But I could see the magnificent view and the big Golden Gate Bridge. It was really really great.
Seunghwan Hong
It was like imagination. View over the bridge, lovely houses in Sausalito… Literally best experience I ever had in San Francisco. Period.
Hyeonggeun Eom
I can be sure that this experience is one of the best experiences I've had in a month. I was so surprised to actually see the Golden Gate, which I was only seeing in pictures. The scenery around Sausalito and Golden Gate could not be photographed. What can i did is bringing everything in my heart.

  • Teamname : Quadcore
  • Leader : Seungwoo Jeong

IBM Full Stack Web Developer Intro

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  • Galvanize 44 Tehama Street · San Francisco, CA


  • Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 1:30 PM ~ 2:30 PM

Learn more about the fundamentals of Full-Stack Web Development.

What is the front end, and how does it compare to the back end? What is the client-server model, and why is this important? What are APIs, why are they important, and how do I make an API call? What is JSON, how do I use it, and why is it important? How computers communicate over the web, using the request response paradigm. How do I get started working on my own web app? You can get all answers of these from this meet-up!


Seungwoo Jeong
Good time to understand what full stack developer is and request & response between server and client. I was a little disappointed that I did not practice what I learned because meet-up was just for an hour.

  • Teamname : Quadcore
  • Leader : Seungwoo Jeong

Stanford University Tour

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  • Mint mojito is signature menu in philz coffee Alt text
  • In front of paloalto station Alt text
  • Stanford Campus Alt text


  • Stanford, CA


  • Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 10:30 AM ~ 8:30 PM

We went to Stanford on the Caltrain,

and had lunch at Curry house (recommended by Donghyun mentor). After lunch we drank mint mojito of philz coffee and that was really unique and nice. We walked around Stanford campus and saw Rodin’s collection.

Our Route

Curry up now > Philz coffee > Stanford University > Stanford shopping center


Restaurant : Curry up now Caltrain has to take a card when you get off. Dispense interval is really long, so you should check.


Seungwoo Jeong
Campus was really huge!! Rodin collection and other work of art was fantastic. The most amazing thing was companies & government agencies in Job Fair for engineering. It includes YOUTUBE, MICROSOFT, DROPBOX, and IBM. I want to enter Stanford~~~
Minjun Cha
Above all, I was really surprised at the size of a big university. I felt that this was the best university in the world. Originally, I was not interested in art, but the works I saw on rodin were fantastic. The weather was even better and I was happier.
Seunghwan Hong
Stanford has many fascinating things! Huge campus, shopping center, and Cantor Art Center! Watching rodin collection was wonderful experience to me. Nice weather and nice coffee (Mint Mojito, from Philz!) makes me happy ;)
Hyeonggeun Eom
It is not good to compare, but I was overwhelmed by the size and atmosphere of Stanford, which is so different from my school. I felt something new dream is blooming in me!

  • Teamname : Quadcore
  • Leader : Seungwoo Jeong

Interview with David Lee @ Google Interaction Designer

Failure without learning is true failure.
Experience it while you are playing.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of having to leave the company so fast that you have not worked in the company for more than three years?

There are many advantages to learning and not tired. Disadvantages are difficulties in promotion, and it takes a lot of energy to turnover. In Google, it’s good to encourage other hobbies.


In developing process, which experience is the most severe conflict experience? And why?

Clashes occur every hour almost every day. Documentation about collisions is important. The smarter the person, the more frequent the conflict. I try to find a solution by creating a prototype and showing it.


In the case of software engineer, there is a standardized form of Interview. For the UX designer, how does interview work?

There is a separate UX recuriter. They mainly look at resume and portfolio. Once the resume passes, you will conduct a telephone interview with the designers. They see if your project is true or not, and they also take a design test. Ask about what you did best in one project.


If there is an engineer interested in UX/UI, what should he prepare to become a designer?

It is important to see from the standpoint of others. Focus on what you do best.


UX also seems to be able to discuss successes and failures. How can you define failures in UX?

Failure without learning is failure.


I would like to hear about David Lee’s prototype design method, which is one of the best prototypes. Also, each method is important, but what do you usually use the most?

I think about how you can get a pass without doing the most work. Anyway, what I made is a one-time thing, so I do not spend much time and proceed with speedy. When I create a prototype and show it to users, I change it if there is an error.


It is written in a letter of recommendation that you are very creative and fresh, so how do you get inspiration for such ideas and how do you envision them?

I have been trained and practiced for creative and fresh ideas. Believe in yourself. It’s a good idea to keep thinking where you are. Whatever you do, you have to be happy. Ask questions about users as prototypes.


What was the difficulty of changing as an UX Designer when you started as a web designer and programmer?

What people around you do not know. Acting like an UX designer. Weak visual.


It is difficult to get recognition from others. Your Linked-in profile is full of praise for you from people who worked with you. What is the secret to becoming a person you want to work with?

Sincerity and commitment are important.


I think there isn’t any jobs that is as sensitive to user reviews as UX Designer. I’m wondering specifically how you can get user reviews.

There are ways to pay for reviews and to call users and test them. For exmaple, Internal/External, Onsite/Offsite, Survey/Focus Croup, Usability testing, Forum / Rating Survey.


Seungwoo Jeong
What is prototype?, What do UX designer do?, all the questions were solved and I got interested in the UX designer after hearing his story.
Minjun Cha
For me, the prototype was a very unfamiliar job. I heard about the best experts in the field, and I felt 'It is a very interesting world'. I wanted to live like him in Silicon Valley later on. I will study in my heart with the words that failure without learning is failure.
Seunghwan Hong
UX engineering was my interested field. I earned so many good know-hows for building career of UX engineer!
Hyeonggeun Eom
David was a much cooler man than I had heard. It was so nice to live as he wanted, and the attitude of not afraid of new challenges was so cool. The lecture on the prototype was really perfect.
  • Teamname : Quadcore
  • Leader : Minjun Cha

Work Like a Developer & Intro to Terminal & Git

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  • 3338 17th Street Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94110 @rithmschool


  • Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 6:30 PM

We went to rithm school to learn git & terminal commands.

  1. Learn how developers work together and share code
  2. Become familiar with one of the most frequently used developer tools: the terminal
  3. Understand how to collaborate with developers using GitHub.

1. About terminal commands

pwd : print working directory
cd : change directory
ls : all the files on folder
ls -l / ls -al / ls - a
cd / : move to root
cd ~ : move to home
mkdir hello : make directory
find hello : really quick check
touch first.txt : create a file 
cat first.txt : show contents in file
echo : print the text
echo hello > hello.txt
echo Hello >> awesome.txt
rm - rf : really delete!
find hello : return file

2. About git commands

git init > make a new repository
git add . (Stage-green)
git commit -m “Create hello.txt” 

[master (root-commit) 8094462] -> 8094462(identity) 

git log : check commit
git remote add origin ssh address (.git) : address is too hard to remember , just use origin!
git push -u origin master

-u : setting up the upstream
origin : git sever repository

  • working (git add) > staging (git commit -m) > commit
    • Git helps taking a picture, tracking out code, and retrieving code easily!


Seungwoo Jeong
Even though I’m already familiar with git & terminal command, it was a nice opportunity to truly perfect the work flow with git. Not much hard to understand I could learn easily. First meet-up was perfect! I really expect the rest of meet-up.

  • Teamname : Quadcore
  • Leader : Seungwoo Jeong