Work Like a Developer & Intro to Terminal & Git

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  • 3338 17th Street Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94110 @rithmschool


  • Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 6:30 PM

We went to rithm school to learn git & terminal commands.

  1. Learn how developers work together and share code
  2. Become familiar with one of the most frequently used developer tools: the terminal
  3. Understand how to collaborate with developers using GitHub.

1. About terminal commands

pwd : print working directory
cd : change directory
ls : all the files on folder
ls -l / ls -al / ls - a
cd / : move to root
cd ~ : move to home
mkdir hello : make directory
find hello : really quick check
touch first.txt : create a file 
cat first.txt : show contents in file
echo : print the text
echo hello > hello.txt
echo Hello >> awesome.txt
rm - rf : really delete!
find hello : return file

2. About git commands

git init > make a new repository
git add . (Stage-green)
git commit -m “Create hello.txt” 

[master (root-commit) 8094462] -> 8094462(identity) 

git log : check commit
git remote add origin ssh address (.git) : address is too hard to remember , just use origin!
git push -u origin master

-u : setting up the upstream
origin : git sever repository

  • working (git add) > staging (git commit -m) > commit
    • Git helps taking a picture, tracking out code, and retrieving code easily!


Seungwoo Jeong
Even though I’m already familiar with git & terminal command, it was a nice opportunity to truly perfect the work flow with git. Not much hard to understand I could learn easily. First meet-up was perfect! I really expect the rest of meet-up.

  • Teamname : Quadcore
  • Leader : Seungwoo Jeong
